Quoting DTNX Postmaster <postmas...@dtnx.net>:

On 08 Aug 2014, at 14:53, Andre Luiz Paiz <andre.p...@iqm.unicamp.br> wrote:

I was trying to use check_sender_access as sugested here in the forum to avoid this type of SPAMs. But it is not working. check_sender_access works more like a blacklist and the spammers are ready for that.

It is not working because you are confusing the envelope from with the 'From:' header. The 'check_sender_access' restriction works for the envelope only, not on the headers, and the headers are basically untrustworthy and easily forged.

On my check_sender_access I registered webmas...@iqm.unicamp.br as REJECT. So in my case this from it is the envelop, correct? You are saying that I should register the www-d...@109.red-81-45-22.staticip.rima-tde.net on check_sender_access?

Notice that the message was sent from from=www-d...@109.red-81-45-22.staticip.rima-tde.net to=webmas...@iqm.unicamp.br


Inside the message, the FROM contains webmaster@mydomain...
Is there a way to create rules like check_sender_access but based on the header inside the mail message instead of the server connection? I cannot block messages with SPF, because here we have a lot of false positives.

SPF does not work because, like 'check_sender_access', it does only work on the envelope, not the headers. For basic header checks, you can use 'header_checks';


I suspect that what you really need is better blacklisting, though. There's generally no need to accept anything from generic hostnames such as '109.red-81-45-22.staticip.rima-tde.net', for example.

Are you running postscreen? Using blacklists?

I use Spamassassin and PolicyD (Cluebringer). The access control in PolicyD checks the header or envelope? DonĀ“t know about postscreen, Can you please give an example of how it should work?


Scanned and tagged with DSPAM 3.10.2 by Instituto de Quimica - Unicamp



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