Ian Evans:
> Our mail server is still getting a nice steady supply of email, so I didn't
> realize anything was wrong. The a freind said that emails from her office
> address were getting rejected. I checked the logs and noticed that she
> wasn't the only one getting the message.
> Before the line below, my friend's emails pass spf successfully. This is
> what's showing up in the logs:
> Aug 25 05:24:27 carson postfix/smtpd[27028]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
> mail-ig0-f175.google.com[]: 451 4.3.5 Server configuration
> problem; from=<myfri...@example.com> to=<m...@example.com> proto=ESMTP
> helo=<mail-ig0-f175.google.com>

Postfix also logged a warning with details of the problem.



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