On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 10:41:01PM +0200, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:

> >     $ postmap -q 'Content-Type: name="test.exe"; charset=us-ascii' 
> > pcre:/tmp/foo.pcre
> >     REJECT 554 Attachment Blocked (Rule 0)
> > 
> > You've not posted your test input or postmap -q invocation with output.
> I just created a new empty file, named it "test.exe" and attached it to
> a mail in Thunderbird, only Rule 3 hits - hence the numbering.

And where is your "postmap -q" test, with the verbatim header from
the received message?

> no idea what the ? is for in the log, i just can't reproduce only

It stands for a newline (\n).

> Rule 3 hitting like with using the MUA
> Sep 16 22:13:02 mail-gw postfix/cleanup[16214]: 3hyFxB6g0cz1y: reject: header 
> Content-Type:
> application/octet-stream;? name="test.exe"

Then the cleanup you're using does not have the right pattern, test with:

    $ postmap -q "$(printf 'Content-Type: 
application/octet-stream;\n\tname="test.exe"; charset=us-ascii')" 
    REJECT 554 Attachment Blocked (Rule 0)

Perhaps you need to "postfix reload" or other pilot error.


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