Am 24.09.2014 um 15:06 schrieb Nikolaos Milas:
> Hello,
> In the past I have discussed some failover options for incoming mail.
> Now, I would appreciate your advice on outgoing mail (and POP3/IMAP
> mailbox access) in building a mail service with redundancy.
> We already have two production mail servers, vmail1 and vmail2, running
> postfix/dovecot (with virtual users on LDAP), each running on a separate
> data center.
> vmail1 is the main one (i.e. the one used to send mail and host users'
> mailboxes), vmail2 is only used as a backup.
> Mailboxes are using Maildir format and are being synced (in near
> real-time) using dovecot dsync service.
> IMPORTANT: Each of the two servers has its own distinct server name and
> its own separate certificate. This allows proper operation of IMAP syncing.
> Our goal is to allow our users to always use one address, say
> **, to automatically access SMTP/POP3/IMAP services at
> vmail1 and, only if vmail1 is down, at vmail2.
> DNS could offer a solution: creating, for example, a CNAME
> "" pointing to vmail1 would probably solve the problem
> by using a very low DNS record refresh time and use a script to monitor
> vmail1 availability; if vmail1 is down, the script could update the
> CNAME to point to vmail2 instead (and force a zone refresh). This could
> leave a small downtime window (depending on the refresh time configured).
> Yet, I am thinking that it may be more advantageous to use another two
> *identical* VMs (one on each data center, for redundancy) running NGINX,
> with the common name (and a common certificate for)
> (in DNS: an A record with two IP Addresses). Both proxies would
> automatically redirect (via NGINX) all SMTP/POP3/IMAP requests to vmail1
> and, only if vmail1 is down, to vmail2, while the user will always
> see/configure as their mail server.
> Is this a feasible/suggested scenario? Any hints, experiences,
> configuration advice, pitfalls, alternative approaches etc. would be
> greatly appreciated.
> Please advise.
> Thanks in advance,
> Nick

some easy way use loadbalancers,i.e. keepalived could do it

perhaps like this

sorry german but setup should speak for its own

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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