On Sep 18, 2014, at 7:45 AM, terrygalant.li...@fastest.cc wrote:

> I've been reading the discussion here and the various approaches to blocking 
> extensions
> I'd gotten this from a friend awhile ago, and have been using it
> With
>       postfix_header_checks = pcre:/path/to/custom_header_checks
>       smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes
> cat /path/to/custom_header_checks
>       ...
>       /filename=\"?(.*)\.(exe|vbe)\"?$/
>           REJECT attachment type forbidden
>       /^\s*Content-(Disposition|Type).*name\s*=\s*"?(.+\.(exe|vbe))"?\s*$/
>           REJECT attachment type (File "$2", Extension "$3") forbidden
>       ...
> seems to work fine
>       <t...@xxx.com >: host mx.yyy.com[##.##.##.##] said:
>           550 5.7.1 REJECT attachment type forbidden (in reply to end of DATA 
> command)
> Just checking -- is there any reason NOT to keep doing it this ^^ way?

I don’t necessarily trust just the extension of the filename.

I’d also look at the file’s magic (same as the OS does) as well as the 

Can’t be too thorough.


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