On 10/8/2014 8:11 PM, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> I posted these questions recently, but either nobody saw my posting
> or else nobody thought that these questions wre worth of a reply.
> On the chance that it was the former, I am posting these questions
> again... because I still do need answers.
> ==================================================================
> I'm building a new policy server, and I have some questions about
> the protocol.
> "Tagging" of incoming messages... so that they may be specially
> handled by post-delivery tools (e.g. procmail and others) is a useful
> feature.  And I hope to make use of "action=PREPEND <text>" responses
> in my policy server to perform such tagging.  All of my (3) questions
> below relate to such tagging.
> 1)  With regards to the "action=PREPEND <text>" response that can be
> yielded by a policy server, is there any way that this can be used
> to inject more than one new header into the message currently being

The "one query, one response" model from the rest of postfix holds
true for the policy service interface too.

> 2)  Also with respect to the "action=PREPEND <text>" response that can
> be returned by a policy server, I am wondering if Postfix undertakes
> any formatting of the <text> material before it prepends it to the

No text formatting is done.

> 3) I had hoped to be able to have my new policy server run, once
> only, for each incoming message, at MAIL FROM time.  So naturally.
> I inserted the rule to invoke it underneath my smtpd_sender_restrictions
> in my main.cf file.  However when I had the policy server log (to a
> file) all of the material in the requests it was receiving from
> Postfix I was, confused, at first to find that in the requests it
> was receiving, the protocol_state parameter was always set to
> "RCPT" rather than "MAIL".  Then I realized the essential cause of
> this, i.e.:
>       smtpd_delay_reject = yes
> Obviously, and as documented, smtpd_delay_reject was causing the
> "restrictions" listed in my smtpd_sender_restrictions list to be
> delayed until the RCPT TO phase.

Yes, this is documented.

> That delay, in and of itself is not really a problem for me.  What
> _is_ a bit of a problem is the fact that smtpd_delay_reject doesn't
> merely cause anything listed under smtpd_sender_restrictions to be
> delayed until such time as the _first_ RCPT TO is seen, but rather
> it causes each of the things listed under smtpd_sender_restrictions
> to be reevaluated, once for each RCPT TO. 

Yes, this is an implementation artifact.  I don't know if it's worth
fixing since it rarely causes an issue.

Typically, policy services that only need to be run once are put in
smtpd_data_restrictions.  One thing to be aware of with
smtpd_data_restrictions is the recipient list will be empty for
multirecipient mail, but that doesn't sound as if it's a problem for
your application since you appear to be only concerned with the sender.

  -- Noel Jones

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