In message <>, you wrote:

>Ronald F. Guilmette:
>> OK, I'm reading (and re-reading, and re-re-reading) the statement in
>> question, which appears in the SMTPD_POLICY_README, and I'm sorry to
>> say that I still find it almost imponderably ambiguous.
>> Please clarify your use of the word "use" in this context.  What does
>> it mean for a policy daemon to be "used"?  If something sends a
>Sorry, I am not going to explain how client-server architecture

I didn't ask you to, nor do I need you to.  I have a firm grasp of
those concepts.

I'm asking you to explain your documentation, and specifically why
you have a different understanding of the word "use" that the vast
majority of other people fluent in the English language, and why
you elect to blame the readers of said documentation for not
immediately grasping that what you wrote was not in fact what you

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