Seems you're using non-standard port for mysql (9306).
If I'm not wrong, mysql use port 3306...

$ cat /etc/services|grep 3306
mysql           3306/tcp
mysql           3306/udp

> Hi Paul
> Thanks.
> Used netstat -tap and the output is
> tcp        0      0 *:9876                  *:*
> LISTEN      9306/mysqld
> From ps -ef | grep mysql
> mysql     9306     1  0 03:22 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld
> More over, same mysql server I am using for web server purpose, and
> my site is up.
> So MySQLd is up, no doubt.
> Port/Host and Permissions fine..., not getting what may go wrong.
> Best Regards
> Austin

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