On 12/21/2014 3:13 AM, Jonathan K. Tullett wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've been using Postfix for many years - since about 2002 - and I've
> finally come across a problem I've not been able to resolve by
> searching online, or from tapping into my personal network. So I
> have come to you all for help.
> I have two machines:
> Machine A: My primary 8 core Xeon 2.27GHz, 24Gb RAM primarily
> running Postfix 2.6.6 (SLES 6.6 distro)
> Machine B: A test box 16 core Xeon 2.2Ghz w/16Gb RAM, primarily
> running Apache, RabbitMQ, MemcacheD and finally Postfix 2.9 (Ubuntu
> 12.04).
> Machine A is used to distribute to a couple of double-opt-in mailing
> lists a week, total recipients between 30,000 and 180,000.  The
> 'sendmail' binary is used to inject messages into the queue from a
> distribution manager.
> The setup on the server is simple: Postfix with two header checks to
> prepend a List-Unsubscribe and a Precedence header, and using an
> OpenDKIM milter for Domain Keys signing. Nothing other than that.
> Prior to the last week of October using the distribution manager, it
> was possible on machine A to inject around 25 messages (full size -
> about 70k each) a second into the maildrop queue.
> Since the end of October, that number has dropped to 16 a second on
> a good day.
> I wrote a test script (basic for-loop which sent a 1 line, 500 byte
> email) and disabled the milters (OpenDKIM and header_checks), it
> took 12.75 seconds to inject 500 messages onto Machine A.
> As a test, I ran exactly the same script on Machine B. It injected
> 1000 messages (about 500 bytes in size) into the maildrop queue in
> 4.95 seconds.
> (I appreciate Machine B is slightly higher spec, but I wouldn't
> expect such disparity!)
> I ran qshape during the last mailing on machine A, and the machine
> was able to send mails out as fast as it received them; there was no
> congestion in any of the queues (maildrop, incoming, outgoing, etc).
> I have no machine stats prior to October - I only came onto the
> project last week - do I don't know what (if anything) changed on
> that week to cause performance to drop so suddenly.
> I have run read/write tests on both disks - Machine A and B do about
> 500Mb/second reads, and 380Mb/second writes; all looks OK.
> I'm not sure why SLES 6.6 was chosen as it was a new build in
> August, but know only Postfix 2.6.6 is officially available in the
> repo for that distribution. I have 2.11.3 built and ready to go on
> that machine but would prefer not to just upgrade on the off-chance
> it'll 'fix' the problem when there may be something I'm missing
> entirely.
> Have there been huge improvements to the efficiency of the code base
> between 2.6 and 2.9 (or 2.11)?  Does anyone have suggestions on
> where else I can look for the cause?
> Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.
> --
> Jonathan K. Tullett

Are you sure you're comparing apples to apples?

The sendmail command is limited by disk performance, with fairly
modest CPU requirements.  Check your disk subsystem.

  -- Noel Jones

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