Hello Iad,

I have a user who would like to receive a notification message on her personal email account when she gets a new email message in > her postfix - based MailDir. She does not want the actual message, just a ping telling her to check her email.

I'm finding a lot info on Google that references using cron or Procmail but really could use a simple example.....Postfix version is 2.7.1.

It is better to do this at the message delivery stage rather than scan the Maildir. Thus it depends on what you are using for final delivery. Should be easy to do in Sieve if your delivery agent supports it (e.g. Dovecot). Or in Procmail if you are using it already. Alternatively you could forward-copy a message to some simple script but I don't remember off-hand how to setup such forward in Postfix.

Hope this helps

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