I have a service from intuit.com that can't get past my reject_unknown_helo_hostname configuration. I'm trying to use the rbl_override to whitelist all the subhost of intuit.com. However, I can't get it to work.

I have tried:


intuit.com    ok
.intuit.com    ok
*.intuit.com    ok

But none of their work.

The host are coming in this manner:


The "[#]" is one of several numbers. None of the hostnames resolves to an ip. I see the IP in the logs which is:


The "[#]" is one of several numbers.

I tried combinations of that IP with wild cards to try to override that way since all of them had the 206.108.40 as part of the ip.

To receive the notifications, so far I have had to scan the logs and add each of the IP's individually as they show in the log to the rbl_override configuration. This works. But if they use a different IP than the ones currently in the log, the email will bounce. So what I'm trying to figure out is how to setup one entry for the whole domain name that would include all the subdomains. I would like to also know how to do this with the IP addresses.

Sample output from the mail.log file is:
Mar 19 02:52:45 hera5 postfix/smtpd[27331]: disconnect from mail.customs.gov.kg[] Mar 19 02:53:02 hera5 postfix/smtpd[20170]: connect from mailout1b.intuit.com[] Mar 19 02:53:02 hera5 policyd-spf[6517]: None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=qdcapmail1.data.ie.intuit.net; envelope-from=u...@mint.com; receiver=u...@apollo3.com Mar 19 02:53:03 hera5 policyd-spf[6517]: Pass; identity=mailfrom; client-ip=; helo=qdcapmail1.data.ie.intuit.net; envelope-from=u...@mint.com; receiver=u...@apollo3.com Mar 19 02:53:03 hera5 postfix/smtpd[20170]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from mailout1b.intuit.com[]: 450 4.7.1 <qdcapmail1.data.ie.intuit.net>: Helo command rejected: Host not found; from=<u...@mint.com> to=<u...@apollo3.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<qdcapmail1.data.ie.intuit.net> Mar 19 02:53:08 hera5 postfix/smtpd[27331]: connect from unknown[] Mar 19 02:53:08 hera5 postfix/smtpd[20170]: disconnect from mailout1b.intuit.com[] Mar 19 02:53:09 hera5 policyd-spf[12592]: None; identity=helo; client-ip=; helo=[]; envelope-from=u...@eriex.com; receiver=u...@apollo3.com

Thanks in advance for any input on this.

-- L. James

L. D. James

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