On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 20:54:58 -0700
"Jithesh AP" <jithesh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am newbie into mail and mTA setup.

Welcome. =)
> I have my port 465 smtps/587 (submission) working, so do i need to
> keep port 25 open?
> I am asking this because when i try to telnet gmail then it does not
> work, so was wondering if blocking port 25 will stop all my incoming
> mails or not?

It will, on the basis that anybody sending mail to your domain will be
unable to deliver mail to your domain - they won't have a user

> To try it out i did telnet gmail like below
>   telnet gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 25
> it just said trying and did not work

This may not be related to you blocking TCP 25, and is more likely your
ISP blocking TCP 25 to anything but their SMTP server from your
connection.  But that also depends on the error that turns up.  Do it
again and wait for the error - start the attempt, and go get yourself a
cup of coffee. =)

> Then i sent a mail from gmail to my mail ID after blocking port 25
> and I did not receive the mail, dont know where it went :(

Wait a bit and see what the bounce tells you.  It should soft bounce.  

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