
I have couple of questions regarding the permit_mynetworks option.

1- is the permit_mynetworks must be added to allow bounces emails from
postfix? or postfix can still send bounces or undelivered email
notifications without need to add permit_mynetworks in the

2- Is the permit_mynetworks must be added so the postfix can work properly
handling the emails ? anyway our users uses sasl authenticate that's why
we want to remove permit_mynetworks, but we are afraid that this might
break some thing in postfix, that's why we want to be double sure. ?


Also our last question, In case of different case that the mail server is
secondary mail server , it relays back the email to the primary server
when it is back.

3- do we have to add permit_mynetworks in smtpd_recipient_restrictions? so
the secondary server can send the emails to the primary server (when the
primary server was down) ? or still the secondary server can send the
pending emails to the primary server even if permit_mynetworks in not
written in the smtpd_recipient_restrictions?

Michael Peter

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