On 08/31/2015 06:04 PM, Grant wrote:
Can I have ssmtp send mail from my laptop to my remote postfix mail
server without authenticating if the mail is to be delivered to
dovecot on the same server?

Yes, if the ISP for the network you're connected todoes not block
port 25, and for some reason your server is not blocking dynamic
IP blocks via the SpamHaus PBL (part of zen.spamhaus.org).

In practice, that should mean "no".  Instead connect to port 587
and authenticate after STARTTLS.

You can use Dovectot as the SASL backend for Postfix, which makes
this rather simple to implement as you already have the requisite
accounts and passwords configured.

OK, SASL it is.  I'm actually already using saslauthd but was hoping I
could turn it off since I'm using webmail now.  Is switching from
saslauthd to dovecot's SASL a worthwhile endeavor if I'm already using
dovecot for IMAP?

- Grant

To be honest I just use the Cyrus SASL even though I also use Dovecot and could. I do not see a particular need for the SASL implementation used to math what the IMAP server uses, and have not found a reason myself to compel me to switch from has worked for me for years.

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