On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 07:39:03AM -0400, Ruben Safir wrote:

> I've been using postfix with majordomo for years and it suddenly stopped
> working after an upgrade, and I can't shake down the cause of the error
> yet.
> 2015-10-14T07:30:40.667469-04:00 www postfix/sendmail[24192]: fatal: 
> owner-hangout@some_server.com(28): No recipient addresses found in message 
> header

Looks like an incorrect invocation of sendmail(1).  If this is by
majordomo, it should have provided at least one command-line
recipient address.  I would not expect Majordomo to use 

    sendmail -t

(extract recipients from the headers), and yet that error message
is only logged when "sendmail -t" is used.

Start by checking how Majordomo is configured to invoke sendmail(1).
This is not a Postfix issue.


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