On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 01:55:01PM -0500, Bill Cole wrote:
> My mistake: I didn't look carefully enough at what
> postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold is supposed to do. Sorry for the
> rapid-fire noise.
> Theory: Your 8 DNSBL lookups are not all completing fast enough for
> postscreen to make a pass/fail/whitelist decision before the sender proceeds
> with its SMTP chat5, which postscreen handles (rather than handing off to
> smtpd) because it has not yet whitelisted the IP. 8 seconds after the
> connection it has all those answers and logs the PASS NEW.
> IF that's what is happening, you may be able to address it by bumping up
> postscreen_greet_wait and/or lowering postscreen_dnsbl_timeout. But I've
> been wrong before...

No problem.  I appreciate your responses -- and your theories/ideas here.  I'll 
definitely take a look at ideas in these last two paragraphs.


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