Hey guys,

i hope i am not bothering you guys lately with my rather stupid questions about postfix on the mailing list. There are tons of guides and how-tos out there and of course i try to look for answers there first but apparently, there are so many different ways of how things can be done, it`s sometimes very confusing when your primary goal is to just understand how things work. Please bear with me for a while, if the answer to my question is all to obvious for the majority of you guys.

My question is about postfix and dovecot and how they interact with each other. As far as i know, you can let the MDA of Postfix handle mail delivery to a certain directory and if that directory equals the mail_directory you`ve set up in the dovecot configuration, there is no need for lmtp. On the other hand, you can deliver the mails from postfix to the Dovecot MDA through LMTP (or even LDA but nowadays everyone seems to prefer LMTP cause its faster and easier to configure, right?) so that Dovecot becomes responsible for delivering the mail to mail_directory. My first questions is, what are the benefits of letting Dovecot handle mail delivery instead of the postfix mda? If i go for the lmtp approach, directory related postfix directives like virtual_mailbox_base etc. are totally ignored cause the responsibility od delivering mails to a certain directory is completly outsourced, correct?

Thank you


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