On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 9:04 AM, Ron Garret <r...@flownet.com> wrote:
> OK, but is there any way to get Postfix to restart a milter if it goes > down? By default, if a milter goes down, it takes postfix down with it. The usual way to start a milter service is to have it autostart when the server boots, just as you would with any service. For example, if you're using systemd, you'd have a miltername.service unit file to fire it up. I don't know of any way for Postfix itself to then monitor the running milter service to respawn if it fails, but the two milters I'm most familiar with -- OpenDKIM and OpenDMARC -- both have "AutoRestart=yes" configuration options in their conf files to respawn themselves in the event they fail. I assume they're monitoring their own PID file, or something to that effect, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't know what's under-the-hood to enable that. I have Nagios configured to regularly check that Postfix is up, and separately monitor my important milters. If you're looking to write your own milter service, I'd join the dev discussion list for one of the milters that supports AutoRestart (such as OpenDKIM) and ask about it there. A good number of guys on this Postfix list are also on that list. Or you could look through the source code on SourceForge and find the AutoRestart stuff: http://sourceforge.net/projects/opendkim/ SteveJ