
I have some hardware which I've configured to send e-mails through my Postfix 
server. Unfortunately, this hardware's firmware has its' EHLO command 
hardcoded, not being it an FQDN.

In Postfix, I've configured smtpd_helo_restrictions to have 
reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname and I'm pretty happy with it so I don't want to 
remove it, however it makes its' attempts to get rejected. Another issue is 
that it's connections are made from a dynamic IP address, so whitelisting its 
IP address is not an option. However, it has a dynamic hostname which updates 
each time it changes (a DynDNS-like host).

I know I can't add hostnames to $mynetworks, so my last resource would be 
writing a policy service which would check the client's IP address and match it 
with the dynamic hostname, and if positive, accept the EHLO command before it 
reaches the reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname restriction.

I'd like to know if there's a simpler way to handle these kind of situations, 
though. Do you guys have some tips?



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