Turns out, the actual number of recipients is closer to 3500 addressees.    
That may be giving the server a belly full after all.

Presume the simplest way to deal is to add a disk (VM is wonderful) and tell 
postfix to use that space to it's hearts content via spool definition in 
/etc/postifx/main.cf ?

>>> "Joe Acquisto-j4" <j...@j4computers.com> 05/12/16 11:33 AM >>>
Postfix version 2.5.6 being used as a relay for chatty internal  processes.    

Suddenly, one of them is complaining of this error, in the midst of a 250 ish 
recipient email.  With attachment of some size.

". . .postfix/smtpd[15953]: NOQUEUE: reject: MAIL from unknown[192.168.aa.bb]: 
452 4.3.1 Insufficient system storage; proto=ESMTP helo=<SUM-Host-name>"

Seems this may be telling me the machine was out of disk space or a Queue was 
limited in some way, but I have about 4GB of free space.   I am attempting to 
determine the size of the mailing list from the sender, the attachment is 2MB 
or so.

Simple issue, eluding me?

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