Thank you!

The documentation seems a bit ambiguous on this topic. After reading canonical(5) and the canonical_maps section of postconf(5), I think it's not clear which of the processing orders, mentioned in the first email, it actually uses. Would you like me to write a patch for this?


On 09/15/2016 03:46 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
Ond?ej Lyson?k:

I need some help configuring canonical maps.

Suppose you have two lookup tables listed in canonical_maps and each of
these tables uses all three pattern types (user@domain, user, @domain).
Now from what I see Postfix looks for a match when rewriting addresses
in the following order:

Look for a match of:
   - user@domain in the first table
   - user@domain in the second table
   - user in the first table
   - user in the second table
   - @domain in the first table
   - @domain in the second table

Is there a way to make Postfix do the lookup in the following order instead?

Look for a match of:
   - user@domain in the first table
   - user in the first table
   - @domain in the first table
   - user@domain in the second table
   - user in the second table
   - @domain in the second table

That is not implemented. The code that generates partial queries
is separate from the code that searches lookup tables (the same
comes up with partial access(5) queries, or even header/body checks.
Asking for this to be changed will not automatically make it happen.

In the case of LDAP/SQL queries, you can enable the domain filter
to avoid the domain-less queries.


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