
I wish to set up a multi instance filter-before-queue incoming edge relay 
postfix 3.1.* configuration. I've been studying the MULTI_INSTANCE_README which 
describes only the filter-after-queue multi setup and the SMTPD_PROXY_README 
which describes the filter-before-queue non-multi setup.  I've not been able to 
deduce the answer to the following from this and the other postfix 

QUESTION: what is the interaction between smtpd_proxy_filter and the various 
transport settings?

SPECULATION: In the postfix-recv instance (that receives email from the 
internet and conveys it to the filter) setting 
smtpd_proxy_filter= will make that instance ignore any values 
set for the various transports, such as relay_transport, fallback_relay, 
virtual_transport, default_transport, transport_maps, etc.  This implies that a 
transport table can not be used to discard email to select recipients.  Further 
the instance will ignore several of the actions in an access(5) table, such as 
FILTER, HOLD, and REDIRECT.  It is possible that BCC and DISCARD do work.  And 
the other actions should work.  However there is no PROXY_FILTER action to 
allow one to selectively do filter-before-queue while defaulting to 

Todd Olson
Cornell University

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