I currently have this postfix server.


What I want to do now, is to route all mails containing only digits in the
user part, for example: 12345...@sebbe.eu <mailto:12345...@sebbe.eu>  or
63232535...@sebbe.eu <mailto:63232535...@sebbe.eu> 

To a application, namely smsq.


So basically, for any mail arriving at {DIGITS}@sebbe.eu
<mailto:%7bdigits...@sebbe.eu>  , I want to cut out the first 150 characters
of the plaintext body, and then send it to the following command:

smsq --motx=SIP/0740940000@cellip --da {DIGITS} --ud


And of course, sending to these adresses should be considered relay, eg if
you aren't permitted to relay through the server, any mail to a adress whose
user-part contains only digits, should be rejected, for obvious security


Best regards, Sebastian Nielsen

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