Am 16.11.2016 um 15:00 schrieb L.P.H. van Belle:


> No, Thats is due my setup with the mailscanner antispam behind it.

What is so different in your pf configuration, that you do not encounter
these warnings?
Nov 16 17:08:31 blueberry postfix/postscreen[27495]: warning:
psc_dnsbl_request: connect to private/dnsblog service: Resource temporarily
Nov 16 17:08:31 blueberry postfix/postscreen[27495]: message repeated 8
times: [ warning: psc_dnsbl_request: connect to private/dnsblog service:
Resource temporarily unavailable]

I have now 20 (!) dnsblog processes running and still I receive these warnings.

> Just give those sites a good read, and the adjust the config to your needs. 
> Running a caching dns on that server helps dns queries. 

I have a full fledged bind9 running, doing exactly that...

> Extra to that, install fail2ban and add postfix-dnsbl.conf

Or is there something I miss, Wietse? Viktor?


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