On Sat, Dec 10, 2016 at 01:16:02PM +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
> My postfix box working as a delivery agent to exchange Server, As per the
> document said replay_reciepient_maps shoulw disallow all unknown mailboxes
> however it is not happening. i am using ldap instead of hash but it does
> not return any email to sender in case when mailbox is not find. in every
> case it deliver the email on basis of relay_domains ip address. can you
> please help i do not want email to receive email for unknown mailboxes.

Please show evidence of your findings and please read first about what
we expect as information to get at

> root@ajax:/etc/postfix# cat ldap-relay_recipients.cf
> server_host =  ldap://morpheus.company.mydomain.com
> version = 3
> search_base = dc=company, dc=,mydomain, dc=com
> query_filter = (&(objectClass=user)(mail=%s))
> result_attribute =
> bind_dn = CN=Thomas R. Paige,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=mydomain,DC=com
> #bind_dn = cn=postfix,ou=misc,dc=redflo,dc=de
> bind_pw = skdii23k2399dldsw2

If this are real credentials you want to revoke them.


Violence in reality is quite different from theory.
                -- Spock, "The Cloud Minders", stardate 5818.4

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