On 12/17/2016 08:49 AM, Roger Goh wrote:
> This may have been raised before:
> we received quite a few malicious emails (containing malicious
> attachments)
> & on tracing the senders' IP (from the 'Internet Headers' of the received
> mails) & key into one of the services below, noted they are malicious
> & then we manually block them  but by then a couple hundreds of these
> emails would have landed in users' mailboxes, some of it have been
> opened by users (despite our top-end commercial security product):
>   http://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx
>   http://www.pinpointe.com/blog/how-do-i-know-if-im-on-a-spam-blacklist
> Question:
> is there any way I can obtain from the above services the full lists esp
> those still detected as active the last 1 year for me to input into our
> commercial product to block them?
> If not, what will be a better solution ?
> Roger
providers of block list data typically will supply it free under certain
conditions (for example low volume dns queries) and on a commercial
basis for those that need to get the full data set and/or include it in
a commercial product. The exact policy depends on the block list. The
best thing to do is to identify the lists that you want to use, check
out their web sites and/or contact them.


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