Dear friends,

I have been using Postfix for sometime now for a single domain and it has
been running smoothly with Dovecot. I use milters for Spamassasin, Clamav,
Dkim, Dmarc & SPF. Postgrey has also been configured (although I think it
could be removed in the long run). I have Postscreen enabled. TLS support
has  been enabled with self-signed certificates.

Now, I have to migrate to a new server that is running FreeBSD 11. I need
to support 4 domains on this single server with each domain having its own
Trusted CA certified SSL digital certificate.

I can think of three ways to accomplish this and I am looking for some
guidance based on your knowledge/experience with Postfix.

Method 1]

Use virtual domains on a single Postfix instance and override to
take care of the individual SSL certificate for each domain using a
separate IP in each case. Based on my research, I believe this could get
complicated with Postscreen and other milters enabled. So I am not too keen
on going this path. Correct me if I am wrong...

Method 2]

Use postmulti and create a separate instance for each domain. In this case,
I am not sure how complex it might get if I want to create further
instances for each domain to handle outgoing, incoming and null-client

Method 3]

Use FreeBSD jails for each domain and a common jail for all the spam/virus
protection services and use a proxy + NAT on the main host. This could also
help me use postmulti in each jail in case I need to have multiple
instances based on functions.

So based on your experience/expertise, which method would you recommend?
Further, do you think I can stop using Postgrey as I also have Postscreen

I look forward to your responses.

Warm regards,


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