* chaouche yacine <yacinechaou...@yahoo.com> 2017.03.17 10:25:

> > Or similar, yes.  I have:
> >
> >    userdb {
> >    args = uid=500 gid=500 home=/var/spool/virtual 
> > mail=maildir:/var/spool/virtual/%n
> >    driver = static
> >    }
> Sorry for asking this on a postfix list but Viktor it seems all your users 
> share the same home directory ? what about sieve scripts ? 
> -- Yassine.

The example used by Viktor does not invoke Dovecot's LDA/LMTP as MDA. Postfix 
performs final delivery, thus Sieve scripts can't be used.

        user1@virtual.invalid   user1/
        user2@virtual.invalid   user2/


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