My system is configured with default SMTPUTF8 settings, i.e.:

    root@rincewind:~ # postconf -d | grep utf8
    smtputf8_autodetect_classes = sendmail, verify
    smtputf8_enable = ${{$compatibility_level} < {1} ? {no} : {yes}}
    strict_smtputf8 = no
    root@rincewind:~ # postconf -n | grep utf8
    root@rincewind:~ # postconf compatibility_level
    compatibility_level = 2

This works perfectly fine (probably because, sadly, SMTPUTF8 is still
quite rare in the wild) except occasionally I'll get an NDR for a
locally submitted message:

    SMTPUTF8 is required, but was not offered by host

This happens when I "bounce"/"resend" a message with UTF8 in one of the
headers.  Pre-SMTPUTF8 Postfix would not care about UTF8 in e.g. From:
or Subject: but in the new world order, such messages submitted locally

I'm cool with that.  The world needs to move on.

Except ... I know that some parts of the world will take a while before
they move on.  I couldn't find anything in postconf(5) or in the mailing
list archives about disabling SMTPUTF8 per destination.

If a per-destination safety net existed, I would likely consider setting
``smtputf8_autodetect_classes`` to all.  If others feel the same, maybe
it would advance adoption of SMTPUTF8 in the wild.

Prior art in Postfix is ``smtp_tls_policy_maps`` which allow overriding TLS settings per destination.

Any views?  Does a per-destination override exist and did I miss it in
the documentation and the archives?  Has this been discussed before?


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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