I have two mail servers. 
One is an older release of Postfix and I’m building a replacement for that 

I did a test where I sent the same message to both servers. 

In /etc/var/maillog on the one server, when the incoming message is being 
delivered, I see the hostname connect. 
On the new server, I see unknown connected. 

Both have DNS set up the same. 

So what is happening during the initial connection? Why is one able to capture 
the hostname, and the other is not? 
Where should I be looking in the logs or services to be running? Or ports to be 
open on my firewall? 

One of the differences between the two servers is that on the second server I 
am trying to set up email for virtual users where I have followed some 
instructions using dovecot and MariaDB (mySQL).  Bellow is part of the logs in 
the new server which isn’t happening on the old server.  Maybe I mucked up 
something?  Ok, I know I mucked something up. 



Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: name_mask: all
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: inet_addr_local: configured 3 IPv4 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: inet_addr_local: configured 3 IPv6 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: process generation: 30 (30)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: mynetworks ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: mynetworks ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: mynetworks ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: relay_domains ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: 
permit_mx_backup_networks ~? debug_peer_list
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: 
permit_mx_backup_networks ~? fast_flush_domains
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: 
permit_mx_backup_networks ~? mynetworks
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: 
permit_mx_backup_networks ~? permit_mx_backup_networks
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: connect to subsystem 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr request = open
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr table = 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr flags = 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 16
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: (list terminator)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: (end)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_proxy_open: connect to 
map=unix:passwd.byname status=0 server_flags=fixed
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_open: proxy:unix:passwd.byname
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: Compiled against Berkeley DB: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: Run-time linked against Berkeley 
DB: 5.3.21?
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_open: hash:/etc/aliases
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr request = open
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr table = 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr flags = 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 16
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: (list terminator)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: (end)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_proxy_open: connect to 
map=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_forwardings.cf status=0 server_flags=fixed
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_open: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: user = <USER>
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: password = <PASSWORD>
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: dbname = mail
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: result_format = %s
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_int: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: expansion_limit = 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: query = SELECT email FROM users 
WHERE email='%s'
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: domain =
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: cfg_get_str: 
/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_email2email.cf: hosts =
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_open: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr request = open
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr table = 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr flags = 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: flags
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 16
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/proxymap socket: wanted 
attribute: (list terminator)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: (end)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_proxy_open: connect to 
map=mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual_mailboxes.cf status=0 server_flags=fixed
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: dict_open: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: smtpd_access_maps ~? 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: 
unknown_helo_hostname_tempfail_action = defer_if_permit
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: unknown_address_tempfail_action = 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: 
unverified_recipient_tempfail_action = defer_if_permit
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: unverified_sender_tempfail_action 
= defer_if_permit
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: name_mask: 2
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: initializing the server-side TLS 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: auto_clnt_create: transport=local 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: auto_clnt_open: connected to 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr request = seed
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr size = 32
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: seed
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: <SEED VALUE>
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
(list terminator)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: (end)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr request = policy
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: send attr cache_type = smtpd
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: status
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: cachable
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute value: 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: private/tlsmgr: wanted attribute: 
(list terminator)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: input attribute name: (end)
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: fast_flush_domains 
~? debug_peer_list
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: match_string: fast_flush_domains 
~? fast_flush_domains
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: auto_clnt_create: transport=local 
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: connection established
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: master_notify: status 0
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: name_mask: resource
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: name_mask: software
Apr 24 18:47:09 stealth postfix/smtpd[7716]: connect from unknown[]

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