Marat Khalili:
> Postfix is installed as forwarder to a fixed relay in a system with no 
> IPv6 addresses (disabled system-wide by net.ipv6.conf.*.disable_ipv6 
> lines in sysctl). Still, for each message it separately requests both A 
> and AAAA records of the relay from DNS, as I verified by tcpdump. Is it 
> a bug or feature? (Yes I know I can explicitly disable IPv6 in postfix 
> configuration too, but that's not the point.)

Postfix from me installs with IPv6 turned off. Complain with your
distributor if they change that.


> My investigation actually started with the following lines in mail.log, 
> which may or may not be related:
> > May  4 07:52:16 postfix postfix/scache[1518]: statistics: domain 
> > lookup hits=0 miss=3 success=0%
> (3 messages were sent in this interval; there are always 0 hits and 0% 
> success rate.)
> I'm using Postfix 3.1.0-3 under Ubuntu 16.04. Relay is
> --
> With Best Regards,
> Marat Khalili

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