> On 9 May 2017, at 22:19, James B. Byrne <byrn...@harte-lyne.ca> wrote:
> On Wed, May 10, 2017 00:48, Doug Hardie wrote:
>> I have a situation that is most likely a problem with my understanding
>> of postfix and not a code problem.  I am getting ready to take over a
>> domain name for mail service.  A number of new addresses in that
>> domain need to be forwarded to other mail servers.  I setup postfix to
>> do that and it worked fine.  However, there is still some time before
>> I actually take over the domain.  In the meantime I was entering some
>> of the addresses and forwarding addresses into the vmail alias file.
>> Each entry was preceded by "# ".  My understanding was that lines
>> starting with a # would be ignored.  I did not bother to run postmap
>> as it would do nothing useful.
>> Several hours later I noticed that no outgoing mail was going out.
>> Everything was receiving an error in maillog:
> If the source file has an mtime later than the resulting map file then
> postfix will treat this as an error condition. At least this is my
> experience so far.

That is what I noticed although I didn't expect postfix to do anything 
different in that situation.

>  If you check your maillog file you will find
> entries if this is the case.

Several hours after I changed the file, those messages began to appear.

>  Further, if you rebuild a mapfile then
> you must reload postfix for it to recognize the changes contained
> therein.

That doesn't seem correct.  I just ran another test and added a valid forward 
in vmail_alias file and ran postmap on it.  Then I sent to that address and 
sure enough it was delivered to the forward address.  I did not run postfix 
reload or restart the service.

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