On 12/07/17 15:05, techlist06 wrote:
>> Why are you trying to upgrade from old to slightly less old?  The
>> current stable of postfix is 3.2.2. 
> Valid question.  It wasn't because of EOL concerns.  I was looking to add
> the feature available in 2.11+:
> postscreen_dnsbl_whitelist_threshold
> Beyond that, I was just chicken of biting off too much at a time without
> having a handle on it.  Baby steps.  v2.10 (and now 2.11) will be my first
> use of postscreen and will have enough new to it vs. the old version I'm
> upgrading from.  
> Maybe an unfounded fear and I should go right to 3.2, but that's why I was
> just moving to 2.11.  Once I'm comfy, maybe move up another few rungs to
> 3.2.

I think you're looking at this the wrong way.  Going from pre-packaged
postscript to compile-your-own is much more likely to cause issues than
the step to 3.2.  Yes there are certainly a lot more features in 3.2
than there are in 2.11, but you don't have to enable those new features
and there are very few backwards compatibility issues which are well
documented and easy to overcome.

Have a look again at the link I mentioned before.  It lists all the
issues that you will have switching from the stock postfix 2.10 to the
Ghettoforge-provided 3.2 and exactly what to do to have a smooth
transition.  I think you'll find that it's much easier than trying to
compile your own and install from source and you will continue to get
updates from Ghettoforge without having to worry about rebuilding
yourself every time a new version comes out with bug or security fixes,
plus you won't have to worry about when 2.11 goes EOL sometime early
next year.

Here's the link again for you:


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