On 8/4/2017 10:12 AM, Fazzina, Angelo wrote:
> Thank you. I see it maybe me doing the limiting 
> smtpd_recipient_limit (default: 1000)
>     The maximal number of recipients that the Postfix SMTP server accepts per 
> message delivery request.
> Q1 = So, can I assume it does not matter if the recipients are in the TO, CC, 
> or BCC field,

Correct.  Postfix reads the envelope, not the headers.

> the hard limit is 1000 ?

This is a soft limit.  Postfix signals the sending client the limit
is exceeded, and the client should disconnect and and reconnect to
send the remaining recipients, or at least notify the human the send
failed.  If you're sending with Outlook, this is Outlook's

> Q2 = how do I search the logs for messages telling me I exceeded the limit ? 
> what is the postconf entry to check if I am logging this stuff in first place 
> ?

I believe postfix will log these as a reject: with a 4xx code, which
indicates the recipient was deferred and can be retried.

> Q3 = is there danger in increasing limit so senders emails are delivered as 
> they should be ? 

You can increase the limit on the master.cf submission service by
  -o smtpd_recipient_limit=5000

> What other options are there ?

Use a better mail client that understands how to resend.

  -- Noel Jones

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