On Sat, Aug 05, 2017 at 07:11:08PM +0300, Marat Khalili wrote:
> I'm cloning an LXC container which optionally can contain postfix 
> installation. After cloning the filesystem there's a number of 
> places I need to change the hostname in.
> I used grep to search for these places and unexpectedly found 
> mentioning of hostname in /etc/aliases.db, even though /etc/aliases 
> does not include it.

Is this an actual problem?  Also, I wonder why you'd need multiple 
containers with Postfix installs?  Did you consider possibly using a 
null client like msmtp, if all these containers need to do is send 
mail through a relayhost?

> Thus I wonder if I need to re-generate /etc/aliases.db and how can 
> I do it without actually starting container?

You might indeed want to generate your aliases.db for each container, 
and chroot(1) might be a means to do that.

> I can run `newaliases -oAhash:/container/rootfs/etc/aliases` from
> host, but then there's a name of the host system in aliases.db,
> not container's.

See also postalias(1), but I'm still not sure that this is a real 
problem.  Does something in the container not work properly with 
host-generated aliases.db?

> I can also re-generate it from within a container after starting
> it and then reload postfix, but it is kludgy. Is there some better 
> way?

The better way would probably be to simplify your mail 
infrastructure, using null clients where appropriate.

I have nothing against containerizing Postfix nor running it in 
virtual machines, but unless your organization is very huge you do 
not need more than 1-2 MX hosts and perhaps a per-site MSA (which 
often can coexist on the submission port with MX instances.)
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