On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 04:33:28PM +0200, Ralph Seichter wrote:

> > I want to: (1) use TLS for an encrypted SMTP connections from
> > authorized relay clients, (2) use TLS client certs for the
> > authentication of the relay clients, and (3) avoid use of
> > SASL entirely.
> In your master.cf, you can use something along these lines:
> submission  inet  n  -  n  -  -  smtpd
>  -o relay_clientcerts=hash:${config_directory}/relay_clientcerts
>  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,permit_tls_clientcerts,reject
>  (...add more settings according to your needs...)
> This will enable client-certificate based authentication for port 587,
> with the file relay_clientcerts storing certificate fingerprint data.

Don't forget to add:

    # To use client certs, we need to ask for them.
    # Use "req_ccert" instead, if, and only if, all the client certs
    # are required to be issued by a trusted CA
    -o smtpd_tls_ask_ccert=yes
    # Set an explicit digest algorithm to match the actual algorithm
    # used to create the lookup keys in the relay_clientcerts table,
    # the legacy default of md5 is not recommended.
    -o smtpd_tls_fingerprint_digest=sha256

to the list of override options for the submission service.


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