On 8/28/2017 11:04 AM, Nils wrote:
> Hi,
>     when composing an email, can I assign the header value "To" in a
> way that it is shown by the email client but ignored by postfix?
>     I've created a php-cronjob for a customer, that fetches mails
> from an imap box (mta is postfix), recomposes them and forwards them
> to a list of recipients. Mostly like a mailing list would do. Now
> the customer doesn't want the final recipients to see their own
> addresses in the to-field. Instead he wants the from- and the
> to-field of the mail to seem unchanged. How can I do that without
> looping?
> Is this even possible without touching the postfix configuration? If
> not, how would I configure postfix to make this possible?
> Kind regards, Nils

Postfix makes delivery decisions based on the envelope recipients,
never based on the To: or From: headers.  So you can put whatever
you please in the To: header.

  -- Noel Jones

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