Of course, it can't actually b this simple. None of this applies if you use
a KeyTable:

Thus, keys referenced by the KeyTable must always be accessible for read by
the unprivileged user.

Those keys are read at first use, not when the daemon starts up. *sigh. I
knew there was something I was forgetting.


On 3 September 2017 at 12:15, Harald Koch <c...@pobox.com> wrote:

> haha I was going to mention the Arch Wiki - it also gives misleading
> advice. Their improved setup has private keys owned by (and writable by!)
> the same user that the daemon runs as. Hacked daemon -> private key
> compromise.
> The default service file installed by the Arch package runs as root, btw,
> and drops privileges if you specify a "UserID" in the config file.
> --
> Harald
> On 3 September 2017 at 12:08, pgndev <pgnet....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> fwiw, from Arch wiki
>> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/OpenDKIM
>> "The OpenDKIM daemon does not need to run as root at all (the
>> configuration suggested earlier will have OpenDKIM drop root privileges by
>> itself, but systemd can do this too and much earlier)."
>> cat /etc/systemd/system/opendkim.service
>>   ...
>>   [Service]
>>   Type=forking
>>   User=opendkim
>>   Group=postfix
>>   ...

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