On 19 September 2017 at 08:55, Yukthi Systems <yukthisys...@gmail.com>

> We are facing an issue where the mail logging stops
> and starts at regular intervals without an intervention, there
> is no error and the email system keeps working, but only
> problem is we keep missing the logs between intervals
> when there is no mail logging happening, please suggest.​

​This is unlikely to be postfix-related. Consider:

- do other system processes continue logging while mail logging is stopped?
- how regular are the intervals without mail logging?
- is there plenty of space in the log filesystem?​ (maybe space runs out
from time to time?)
- what distro / logging software (e.g. rsyslog, syslog-ng) / init system
(e.g. systemd, Sys-V)?

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