I have a stand-alone mail server with postfix 2.10.1 (CentOS7) that also has an anti spam setup.

For privacy reasons I added a header check to submission to change the header on incoming mails from authenticated users so the anti spam won't freak out about SPF etc. Because of roaming mobile clients I can't white list senders like I would do normally in an enterprise setup where the server would be a gateway. This header check is defined as its own cleanup service in master.cf.

My header check consists of:

/^\s*(Received: from)[^\n]*(.*for <.*@(?!domain).*)/ REPLACE $1 [] (localhost [])$2

But I also need it to go to the HOLD directory. This is done with the same received check normally but you can't have 2 filters for the same thing.

Does anyone have any advice on how to accomplish this ?

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