On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 10:43:16PM +0000, Kevin Miller wrote:
> You can point the A record for aaa.com to one IP and the MX record 
> for it to another.

Yes, but not as per your example.

> I.e.
> aaa   IN A
>      IN MX 10

The RDATA for MX is "integer hostname".  In your example the 
"" would be read as a hostname, and noting the lack of 
trailing dot, the zone file's current $ORIGIN value would be 

> In the example above, a web page to http://aaa.com would go to 
>, whereas an SMTP server would connect to

In this example mail would most likely not be deliverable.  The MX 
record in DNS would point to a name which probably does not exist.
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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