On 11 January 2018 at 10:15, MRob <mro...@insiberia.net> wrote:
> I use reject_unknown_helo_hostname even though it rejects legitimate mail,
> it also catches a reasonable amount of bad things.
> I want to whitelist some clients of course. I thought it should be easy:
> /etc/postfix/main.cf
> smtpd_helo_restrictions =
>  reject_invalid_helo_hostname
>  reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname
>  reject_unknown_helo_hostname
> smtpd_client_restrictions =
>  reject_unauth_pipelining
>  check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/ok_clients
> /etc/postfix/ok_clients
> 999.999.999.999 OK
> fqdn.exmaple.com OK
> postmap /etc/postfix/ok_clients
> postmap -q 999.999.999.999 /etc/postfix/ok_clients
> OK
> postmap -q fqdn.exmaple.com /etc/postfix/ok_clients
> OK
> Yet, from this client I still get this:
> NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from fqdn.example.com[999.999.999.999]: 450 4.7.1
> <not.existing.host.name>: Helo command rejected: Host not found;
> I test by hand and get rejected after RCPT TO (delayed restrictions as
> postfix default):
> HELO not.existing.host.name
> MAIL FROM: <...>
> RCPT TO: <...>
> Tried restarting postfix to be sure. What have I missed?

All restriction lists are applied: approving mail as OK in one list
only skips subsequent test in that restriction list, it does not
affect test in other lists. So add line

check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/ok_clients

at the top of smtpd_helo_restrictions, this will then bypass the
subsequent test in this list.

You can probably remove it from smtpd_client_restrictions if you want
and in any case as the last entry in the list it does nothing as the
end of each list is equivalent to a PERMIT result.

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