This isn't related directly postfix but i could not find true platform to
ask. I believe your knowledge is far better than mine and i need little

We are having difficulties while delivering mails to Microsoft's domains
like hotmail and outlook. I've checked over and over again my settings on
qmail and dns. Also couple of days ago i raised a ticket on hotmail's
support page but no response yet. The real problem is that mails send from
our mail server are delivered in spam/junk folder instead of inbox. There
are ten domains on this mx and they all have same problem. This leads me to
think that problem related my ip or ip subnet. Yes, there are many ip
adresses listing in famous blacklists on my subnet.

By the way, this problem only occours on Microsoft's domains. Mail server
have valid ptr, spf, dkim and dmarc records. Also spf and dmarc records are
strict and doesn't contain relaxed or soft fail parts. I know it is very
common issue and every week someone ask guidance like me. I'm also
subscribed this mail list and saw couple of mails that mentioned problems
like mine. But i did not finish my research.

Are there any others dealing Microsoft's spam mechanism ? If yes, please
tell me  what did you do about that ?

On some sort of links Microsoft suggests to follow Return Path's
certification program. But i did not deeply look up yet. After a quick
scan, i found prices section and they demands subscriptions fee.

I 've heard somethings about that Microsoft checks sender ip networks
(whole ip subnet belongs to isp) as well as ip address and uses this
information on delivery occurs. But no evidence found yet. Is that a rumor
or a fact ?

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