On 31 January 2018 at 09:48, li...@lazygranch.com <li...@lazygranch.com> wrote:
> I'm at a loss on the HELO_reject = False. Why wouldn't you use the
> default "fail".

I use opendmarc to pass or fail emails, I never fail an email based
only on SPF. That can lead to lots of false positives IMO. All I want
the spf test for is as input to the dmarc test. If using policyd-spf,
all that is wanted is the header that will then be read by opendmarc.

> Reading some chatter on the opendmarc forum, they suggested
> HEADER_Type = AR as you have done, but I don't understand the
> Authserv_Id field.
> I don't think opendmarc has an issue reading the spf format.

You may be right, in which case the header type shouldn't matter.
However the Authserv_Id field is critical - opendmarc should only
trust spf (and dkim) headers (as added by policyd.spf and opendkim)
which have an authserv_id field matching the TrustedAuthServIDs field
in /etc/opendmarc.conf (which defaults to opendmarc's AuthservID
field) - this is so that they can't be faked by incoming mails. (Even
if they are faked, the headers added by your opendkim and policyd-spf
should be more recent and therefore take priority.) There is no
default for this in policyd-spf, and I'm not sure whether/how it shows
it in the added header if you don't specify AR
(Authentication-Results) type-header. The default in opendkim and
opendmarc is the hostname.
> I did re-read the policyd-spf.conf and decided to do whitelisting here
> rather than in opendmarc. I get email from pobox.com, which always
> fails.

I don't know whether policyd-spf adds a header if it whitelists an
incoming mail. If not, and the email is not whitelisted by opendmarc,
opendmarc can only validate the email with 'SPFSelfValidate true' in
/etc/opendmarc.conf (when it will do its own SPF analysis). But once
you are relying on opendmarc's internal SPF analysis for some emails
you have made policyd-spf redundant and complicated your life; if you
want to use policyd-spf I think you should leave SPFSelfValidate and
SPFIgnoreResults unset (i.e. default false).

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