
I currently use postscreen on my Postfix version 3.1.0 mail server.  I 
implement IP ACL’s via it to ban malicious connections (generally from xDSL IP 
blocks), against smtpd running on port 25.

I have recently configured and turned on submission with SASL.  With submission 
available, I don’t want to ban any particular xDSL IP blocks as clients that 
are travelling around the world may make use of Internet in cafes, hotels, etc. 
to connect to submission that themselves are xDSL connections.

With postscreen doing the IP ACL work, from what I understand this extends to 
*both* smtpd and submission smtpd.  Is there a way where I can have separate IP 
ACL lists for smtpd on port 25 and smtpd on submission ?  Is this possible via 
postscreen or is there another way of achieving this ?


- J

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