I understood from the dnsblog man page that each dnsblog process only lives for 
a "limited amount of time".  I noticed this because I have over 50 dnsblog 
processes running on a fairly light duty postfix server.  Some of them are over 
a week old.  At first I thought they must have been orphaned, but looking 
through maillog, I find entries in the last few minutes from the oldest and the 
newest.  I didn't check all of them, but it appears they are all in use.  
Looking at the source for postfix-3.3-20180114 (on web), it appears dnsblog 
checks one IP address and then exits.  I believe I can limit the number of 
dnsblog processes in master.cf (currently set to 0), but I am not sure that is 
a good idea.  How long are these processes supposed to live?

-- Doug

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