On July 23, 2018 5:00:33 PM GMT+02:00, dur...@mgtsciences.com wrote:
>I would like to know if comments may be used in this fashion.  In the 
>example below, will the last line 'permit' be seen as part of the 
>'smtpd_helo_restrictions' option?
>smtpd_helo_restrictions =
>        permit_mynetworks
>        #   check_helo_access hash:/etc/postfix/helo_access
>        #   reject_invalid_helo_hostname
>        #   reject_unknown_helo_hostname
>        permit
Yes, permit will be seen as part of smtpd_helo_restrictions in this example. 

For an explanation of the main.cf file format see 
Christian Kivalo

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