On 1 Aug 2018, at 11:59, Viktor Dukhovni <postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
>> status=deferred (TLS is required, but was not offered by host 
> Here, the "level" is "none".  The remote site did not support STARTTLS.

Ah. Yes, that makes sense, it just didn't occur to me a server in 2018 would do 
that, I figured it just had crappy security levels. Thanks.

>> smtp_tls_security_level = encrypt
> The last of these is too strict as a default for all domains.

Yes, probably, but on the other hand, two servers in the last week, and one of 
those is a 'web board reply" discourse email, and those are janky at the best 
of times anyway.

> The sensible settings are either "may", or if you have a local (loopback)
> validating resolver, "dane" (see TLS_README for details).
>> tls_preempt_cipherlist = yes
>> tls_ssl_options = no_ticket, no_compression
> Why do you disable session tickets?

There was a reason, I think. But most of these settings have been there for 
years, so I should revise that. I want to say it was a recommendation from 
dovecot list? (I last modified main.conf when I moved to postfix 3.x.

<adds it to the list>

Silence filled the University in the same way that air fills a hole.
Night spread across the Disk like plum jam, or possibly blackberry
preserve. But there would be a morning. There would always be another
morning. --Sourcery

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