Hello there ;)

I'm looking for a simple, clean & easy logfile analysis tool for postfix logs.

I'm runing postfix 3.2 on an opensuse box

I found a listing here: http://www.postfix.org/addon.html#logfile

already had a look at mailgraph as it looked promising with the graphical charts.
but while trying to setup it had a problem parsing the postfix log entries.

Error: the entry is not in syslog format

as far as I remember the box running postfix is using the rsyslog daemon

then also had a look at AWStats but here the maillogvonverter.pl perl script wasn't able to parse the postfix log entries perhaps there's  some incompatibility with postfix 3.2 version and the perl script?
just couldn't bring it to run ...

I do run the pflogsumm script, which gives me at least some info about what postfix is doing.
but i would like something displaying  daily / monthly / yearly stats

anyone can recommend a simple, clean & easy logfile analysis tool for postfix logs?

thanks & greetings

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