On 10/31/2018 3:52 PM, Fazzina, Angelo wrote:
> Hi, i am learning/testing Postscreen on Postfix 2.10.1
> I read the man page and need a little help understanding this :
> This program should not be used on SMTP ports that receive mail from
> end-user clients (MUAs). In a typical
>        deployment,  postscreen(8)  handles  the  MX service on TCP
> port 25, while MUA clients submit mail via the
>        submission service on TCP port 587 which requires client
> authentication.  Alternatively, a site could  set
>        up  a  dedicated, non-postscreen, "port 25" server that
> provides submission service and client authenticaâ[m
>        tion, but no MX service.
> *What does "MX service" mean ?*

In this context, MX Service means "receive incoming mail from random
unauthenticated internet sources".

> * *
> I am not sure how to leverage postscreen for authenticated smtp
> traffic to my server over ports 587 and 465, or is that not
> what postscreen was meant to handle ?

Postscreen *should not* be used on ports used for client
authenticated SMTP.

Typically, authenticated clients will use the "submission" port 587
or "smtps" port 465 to submit mail.

> I guess what i am getting at is, if i only allow port 25 traffic
> from within my network via this setting
> mynetworks = /etc/postfix/files/mynetwork 
>                 /etc/postfix/files/mynetwork contains
> then everything postscreen will ever see will be whitelisted. If i
> got that right then, am i not a good use case for using it
> and should just keep it off ?

Postscreen is intended for internet traffic on an internet-facing
mail gateway.

Does this server also accept incoming unauthenticated mail from the
general internet?  If no, then postscreen is not for you.

  -- Noel Jones

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